Begin Your Career as a Birth Doula

One of the Nation's Leading Training Organizations for Birth Professionals

Are you ready to become a birth doula?

Have you found a desire to support families during birth, helping them to have a positive, life changing experience? As a birth doula, you are on the front lines working to help improve birth for everyone, decrease the amount of birth trauma, and possibly lower the c-section rate, therefore improving the overall health and wellness of mothers and babies.

If you are ready to take take the next steps to become a certified doula, Birth Boot Camp has everything you need to begin making a difference in the lives of expecting families in your community.

Choose Your Training

Ignite Your Passion and Be a Catalyst for Positive Change in the Birth World

The support, guidance, and empowerment you provide to expectant parents during one of the most transformative moments of their lives can be truly life-altering. It’s a role that goes beyond assisting in labor; it’s about offering unwavering emotional support, physical support, and informed decision-making. The way a woman feels and how she is treated during birth will affect her for the rest of her life. She should feel powerful, amazing, loved, and supported throughout her entire birthing experience. As a doula, your role is crucial in helping families have a strong, confident start on their parenting journey.

Become a Birth Doula

We invite you to join our Birth Doula Training program. As a part of your training, you gain everything you need to begin working as a birth doula in one easy-to-navigate place.

Comprehensive Training to Support All Births

Birth Boot Camp's Birth Doula Training is as comprehensive as it gets. Learn everything you need to know in order to support families during birth, no matter what type of birth they have. You'll learn how to support clients when they are unmedicated, when they choose an epidural or other interventions, and even during a cesarean.

Hands-On, Interactive Training

During your training you'll have the opportunity to practice a variety of different labor positions, comfort measures, and many other techniques that will help you to know how to best support your clients.

Ongoing Mentoring & Support

After you complete your training you will be part of an amazing organization. Birth Boot Camp is a family! We’re here to support you as you grow your business and serve more and more families.
Choose Your Training

They Loved Their Training


Birth Boot Camp is AMAZING. The whole process to become a doula was so simple and straightforward, while also providing me with so much necessary information. I feel I have learned SO much and am extremely prepared to now be a doula and serve my community!


Wonderful organization that equips you with the information, education, connections and tools you need to navigate learning how to become a successful doula. 10/10 recommend to anyone wanting to help mothers navigate birth and postpartum care. Trainers are a wealth of knowledge and connect you with others within the organization. The organization is very supportive and has created a positive atmosphere for all birth care service workers.


I loved my experience becoming certified as a birth doula! BBC was very thorough and fun to learn from. Their birth and business experiences ooze from their pores in a positive delivery.


My doula training through Birth Boot Camp was phenomenal! I walked in being so nervous and doubting myself, but three hours into the training and I was already feeling so confident. I learned so much at this training. My favorite part is that Birth Boot Camp really sets you up for success. They provide you with just about everything for you to start up your business and be successful. I am confident in my training and that my business will grow. I you are thinking about becoming a doula, do it through Birth Boot Camp!

You Should be a Birth Doula if...

Choose Your Training

You believe that birth can be a positive experience.

You have a desire to support families through pregnancy, birth, and early postpartum.

You have a desire to be part of the birth team.

You can support families through a variety of birth scenarios.

You like the spontaneity of an “on-call” lifestyle.

You have reliable childcare and a supportive family.

What Will You Learn?

Empathy and active listening

How to support partners and family members

Comfort measures and labor positions

How to work with care providers

How to support ALL types of birth

Serving clients with special circumstances

How to find clients

How to start and grow your business

Client interviews and getting hired

Critical thinking scenarios that doulas often find themselves in

How to conduct visits with your clients

And more!

Choose Your Training

What's Included?

An image of the doula handbook and client workbook that doulas receive when they come to a Birth Boot Camp Doula Training

Receive Your Doula Handbook

Every doula receives a copy of the Birth Boot Camp Doula Handbook. It’s 150+ pages of helpful information, resources, and tips.

Supporting Arms Workbook

This amazing workbook is for your clients! It’s full of information to help guide your birth plan visits with them and to help prepare them for their upcoming birth.

Picture of a page in the client workbook that doulas receive called Questions For Your Care Provider
2 women sitting at a table smiling at the camera teaching online birthing classes

Childbirth Education

This is included in your training! You will have immediate access to our online childbirth classes to deepen your understanding and knowledge about pregnancy, birth, and beyond.

Breastfeeding Training

Learn how to support your clients during their breastfeeding journey with our Lactation Intensive for Birth Professionals.

A husband and wife sitting on a bed smiling looking at their newborn baby while it breastfeeds
The front cover the Birth Boot Camp Business Quick Start Guide that will be available after completing a Birth Boot Camp training

Business Training

Starting your business as a doula may seem intimidating, but we’ll walk you through it every step of the way. Learn the basics of networking, building a website, social media marketing, and more! You’ll receive our Business Quick Start Guide and so much more when it comes to the business side of being a doula.

Online Doula Portal

You will have access to our Doula Portal where you will find a doula contract and client intake forms, marketing tips, ongoing professional development, and additional resources to help you become an amazing doula.

A screenshot of the online doula portal that they receive after completing training

Receive all this, your training, certification, and more in one place, for one price.

To start, simply choose the

program right for you.

graphic with the steps for becoming a birth doula

Choose Your Training Path

Doula holding a model pelvis and baby doll during a demonstration at a doula training with 2 women looking on


Who: Spend 3 amazing days in-person with your trainer and other passionate trainees as they learn and prepare to become amazing birth doulas!

What: Our in-person training is a hands-on and interactive experience. First, choose which date and location you’d like to attend. Then complete all of the training modules (detailed below) that must be submitted before your training. Finally, attend the 3-day in-person training and leave certified!

Early Bird Special *Regular PricePayment Plan**

*Save $100 with our Early Bird pricing when you sign up for an in-person training 3 or more months before the deadline.
**Payment Plan – 2 monthly payments of $447.50. A $50 processing fee has been added to the payment plan. 

In-Person Trainings

Upcoming Dates & Locations

June 28-30, 2024

Lakeland, FL
Deadline - May 17th

July 5-7, 2024

San Diego, CA
Deadline - May 24th

August 2-4, 2024

College Station, TX
Deadline - June 21st

August 4-6, 2024

Fort Worth, TX
Deadline - June 23rd

September 27-29, 2024

Salt Lake City, UT
Deadline - Aug. 16th

October 4-6, 2024

Fort Worth, TX
Deadline - Aug. 23rd

November 4-6, 2024

Fort Worth, TX
Deadline - Sept. 23rd
black woman sitting on a couch working on her laptop


Who: Complete your training on your own time and schedule. With one year to complete the training, you choose how quickly you move through the content.

What: Our online training is a self-paced, 100% on demand course that you complete in your own time. Your materials will be mailed to you so that you can get started and our Headquarters team is here to support you if you need any assistance. 

Regular PricePayment Plan*

*Payment Plan – 3 monthly payments of $298.34. A $50 processing fee has been added to the payment plan. 

Certification Process


Register and Pay

Choose whether you’d like to do the in-person or online training. Sign up, pay, and immediately get access to your training portal. You will receive an email with your log-in information. Be sure to check out the welcome video.


Sign Paperwork

In your training portal, you will find links to sign some paperwork including our Policies & Procedures, Code of Conduct, and Non-compete agreement. Read over these and sign them when you log in to your portal.


Complete Your Training Modules

In your online portal you will find all of your training modules with detailed instructions and tips for each one. Be sure to download each module and make a plan to complete your work in a timely manner. If you will be attending an in-person training, you are required to have all of the training modules submitted to your trainer no later than 10 days before your training. For those taking an online training, you must complete all of the modules within a year.

Module 1 – Reading

Read each of these books and write about 5 things you learned when reading.

Module 2 – Childbirth Education

Watch Birth Boot Camp’s online Comprehensive Childbirth Class and answer the questions. You will find this in your online training portal.

Module 3 – Documentaries

Watch these documentaries and answer questions about them.

  • Orgasmic Birth 
  • Birth Time 
  • Born Free
Module 4 – Breastfeeding

Watch the Breastfeeding Intensive for Birth Professionals video that’s included in your training.

Module 5 – Support Groups

Attend two pregnancy, breastfeeding, and/or postpartum support groups in your community.

Module 6 – Bloodborne Pathogens

Complete one of the below bloodborne pathogen trainings, pass their test, and purchase the certification.

Module 7 – Community Resources

Compile a list of local resources that will benefit your clients.

Module 8 – Attend 2 Births

Attend 2 different births and record your experience.

Module 9 – Online Training Videos (Online Training Only)

Watch the online training videos in your online portal.

Module 10 – Reflections (Online Training Only)

After completing all of your modules, answer a few essay questions to reflect on everything you’ve learned.


Attend In-Person Training/Complete Online Training

If you’ve chosen to attend an in-person training, you will enjoy an amazing 3 days with your trainer and other trainees passionate about birth.

If you are completing the online training, submit all of your completed training modules to our certification coordinator.


Receive Your Certification

After completing your training modules, attending your in-person training or completing your online training you will be certified and ready to begin working as a doula!

They Loved Their Training


Doula training was a great experience, even attending virtually during the Covid19 period. I felt prepared and equipped at the end. One of the best benefits, however, has been the post workshop support from Birth Boot Camp. Highly recommend.


Nothing prepares you to be a Birth Doula more than a Birth Boot Camp training!


I love Birth Boot Camp!! I become a Doula through the company and felt that I learned so much and the online class was just what I needed being a mom of a toddler. I highly recommend BBC!!


I recently attended the Doula training and am now a certified Doula! The BBC team was readily available and quick to respond while I was doing the requirements pre-training. The Headquarters team made themselves available to the fullest during training and answered any and all questions I had. I would recommend Birth Boot Camp to anyone wanting to attend a birth education class, train to be a Doula, or train to be an instructor.

Become a certified doula and help families have life-changing birth experiences!

3 women standing together each with a different color shirt on with the Birth Boot Camp logo on it


What’s Included?

  • Instant access to your Training Portal
  • Your choice of a 3-day in-person workshop OR fully online, self paced training
  • Birth Doula Handbook
  • Supporting Arms book (used for clients)
  • Training on becoming an amazing birth doula
  • Business training
  • Samples of our marketing materials
  • Support from your trainer and the Headquarters team
  • Access to our private Facebook group for trainees

What support is available after I complete my training?

  • Access to our Doula Portal
  • Access to Birth Boot Camp stock photography to use in your marketing
  • A professional account on the Birth Boot Camp store to purchase materials for your clients
  • Access to our private Facebook group for all currently certified Instructors and Doulas
  • A personalized certificate every year that you recertify
  • Invitation to our company wide Retreat every 3 years
  • Access to the Headquarters Team

Should I choose the online or in-person training? Which is best?

Both training options are great, one is not better than the other, just what makes the most sense for you! 

If you work best with a hard deadline and accountability, enjoy meeting new people, benefit from hands-on training, and have the flexibility to be away for 3 days, then an in-person training would be great for you! 

If you have a busy lifestyle, small children, you are a self starter, work best on your own and in your own time, then the online training would be great for you! You have one year to complete the online training once you register.

Consider how you work best and which options best meet your educational needs.

What if I can’t attend the workshop I am registered for?

If you need to change from the workshop you originally signed up for to a new workshop, you will need to notify your trainer and contact the certification coordinator at [email protected]. There is a $300 transfer fee that must be paid in order to reserve your spot in a new workshop. If it is not possible to attend an in-person workshop, you may choose to switch to the online training and the $300 fee applies. Access to your training portal will be removed until the fee is paid and you choose a new workshop.

How much time will it take to complete the training modules?

The answer to this question solely depends on you and how your life is currently set up. If you have small children, a full time job outside of the home, a busy personal life, brand new to birth work, or a slower reader, it may take 4-6 months to complete all the training modules. 

If you are a fast reader, already in birth work and familiar with the material, or have the ability to set aside large blocks of time to work on it, then you may be able to get through the workload within the deadline of 6 weeks before the workshop.

Set realistic goals for yourself. Enjoy the journey of getting certified. Remember, the more prepared you are for the workshop, the better equipped you will be to help couples work towards their amazing births.

Online trainees have one year to complete the training. If you need more time, we offer a 3 month extension for $175.

What do I do with my training modules once I’m finished?

In-Person Training Workshops: Your modules are due to your trainer 10 days prior to the workshop. Your trainer will review your modules and send back any work that needs to be corrected or completed. Revisions are due back to your trainer 2 days before the workshop.

Online Training: Your training modules are due BEFORE your training expires (one year from the date you registered) When you have completed all of your training modules, you will email them to the Certification Coordinator. It can take up to 2 weeks for your modules to be looked over and corrections sent back.

What do I need to bring to the workshop?

Laptop/ipad that can connect to WiFi, notebook for note taking,  2 bed pillows, yoga mat, comfortable clothing, a jacket or sweater, your own snacks and beverages.

How long do I have to complete my certification?

Keep in mind that there is a significant amount of work involved in this training. There are books to read, documentaries and other videos to watch, the bloodborne pathogens trainings, and more to complete. Allow yourself plenty of time to complete all of the modules!

If attending an in-person training, your training modules are due to your trainer no later than 10 days before your workshop.

Do I have to recertify?

Recertification is due each year on March 31st.  The fee for recertification is $100. We include several educational requirements that will help you develop as a birth doula as well as grow your business. Recertification will be discussed in detail during your training.

Can I bring my baby to training?

We encourage long-term breastfeeding and want nursing mothers to be included. Training, however, is intensive and requires long hours and a quiet room, so that all who have invested their time and money can hear and participate. Training also requires that all be able to participate in relaxation and various other floor exercises. If you are nursing a baby you must make arrangements to have someone who can bring your baby to you for feedings. Additional space will not be provided at training for your baby and babysitter. This enables both the nursing mother and others in attendance to maximize their workshop experience. You may also choose to pump during training. Please discuss your breastfeeding/pumping needs with your trainer. There are multiple breaks built into the training as well as a 1.5 hour lunch break when you can nurse. Older children are not allowed at training.

woman in labor sitting on a birth ball leaning over the hospital bed while her doula is behind her rubbing her back
Woman in labor laying on her side with a cool towel on her head, her husband is sitting behind her rubbing her back and her doula is sitting at her feet
woman in labor standing and leaning against the wall for support while her husband and doula stand behind her running her back
woman in labor kneeling on a hospital bed with her doula standing behind putting pressure on her hips

Begin Your Journey as a Birth Doula Today!