Must-have guide for any music producer

66 pages of in-depth explanations

Written from decades of production experience

2 FREE videos from our Science of Sound: Compression course

What's in the e-book + video bundle?

Complete Compression e-Book

Written by FaderPro co-founder Vincent di Pasquale from decades of experience in professional music production, the 66-page Complete Compression e-Book is the ultimate soup-to-nuts guide on compression.

  • What is compression?
  • A brief history of compressors
  • How compressors work: the basic principles
  • Typical controls and functions
  • Why you should care about the classics
  • Types of compressors
  • Variable-Mu (tube) Type compressors
  • FET Type compressors
  • VCA compressors
  • Diode bridge style compressors
  • Optical style compressors
  • Modern style compressors
  • Too much of a good thing?
  • Conclusion: the bottom line

Science of Sound: Compression video chapters

Learn new and creative ways to use compression with experienced music producer and Apple-certified instructor Jono Buchanan. This free bundle includes the first two chapters (30 minutes) of Jono's Science of Sound: Compression course including a deep dive into all the parameters of a compressor, how they work, what they do and how you can use them in your own productions.

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